Coming up Wednesday,
May 12, 7-9 pm -
The Shapes of Sustainability.
...the total number of people affected by what we do (or do not do) during the next few decades will be in the order of 500 trillion. We are thus engaged in by far the largest "decision" ever taken by one human community on the unconsulted behalf of future societies. - Norman Myers and Andrew Knoll, 2001
Ongoing gardening work periods are beginning at our demonstration plot at the Waters School Community Garden at Campbell and Wilson. Our site (with large spiral herb hill) is just east of the fieldhouse.
Prefixes: !*!* = Unique event; CUP = CUP event. INFO: 773-907-1465
Abbreviation: NPVNC = North Park Village Nature Center, 5801 N Pulaski, Chicago.
CUP Wednesday, May 12, 7-9 pm - The Shapes of Sustainability. At NPVNC. What does sustainability look like? Discuss it's various visions, definitions and characterizations. Consider whether it's attainable? And if so, how can we speed it up?
May 28-30, Communities Conference & Activist Summit. The Farm, Summertown, TN.
Saturday, May 29, 11am - 2pm, Redmoon & Foundation Theater Group: Birds, a "Tree of Life" and other colorful characters inspired by nature. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
CUP Wednesday, June 2, 7-9 pm. - Using Native Plants. At NPVNC. Almost all of the plants we call wild were utilized by Native American cultures. Many are delightful and easy to use. Find out about some of their uses and taste a few.
June 18-20, MREA Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Fair, Custer, WI. Worlds Largest! This year they will have a permaculture workshop. 715-592-6595. Possible bus from Chicago
June 18-20, Reclaiming Economics Conference, Earthaven Eco-Village, NC.
June 19-20, Tools for Sustainable Living - Using those in Jim Merkel's new book "RADICAL simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth." East Corinth, VT. $25/$35.
June 25-27, Earth Spirit Rising, Midway College, Midway (Lexington), KY. The coming energy crunch and the "inhibitors blocking effective action" are the subject of one of 10 breakout sessions.
CUP July 4-5 Aphelion Attunement Celebration (Tentative) - Attuning to the Future, Sunday, July 4, 6:30pm-10:30pm, Sleep-over optional. Monday, July 4, 9am-noon. At Small Waters Gathering Center, Harvard, IL Metra pickup available.
!*!* July 17- Aug. 1
Permaculture Design Certification Course (The first one in our area!) Featuring David Blume and his team from the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture {IIEA) - includes Joel Salatin and local experts. At Stelle ( 20 minutes SW of Kankakee). Camping & some lodging. Cost: $1477. Scholarships may be available. IIEA Stelle
August 7-8, Illinois Renewable Energy Fair. Oregon,IL Possible bus from Chicago.
Aug 29, 11am-4pm. Heirloom Garden Show. Near Geneva, Sample rare and specialty fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs. displayed and sold by local Seed Savers. Select what to grow next year. $6/$3. 630/584-8485 LaFox , IL.
October 15-17 Bioneers 2004 still not listed for Chicago
October 16-17, 10am-4pm, Midfex Harvest Festival, sample over 100 locally grown fruits and nuts. Chicago Botanic Garden